Feb 13
A winding couple hours drive downhill through spiced hills, rubber tree forests, and small towns takes us to the Chennai airport. It's hot! Wrangling a group of 30 American yogi tourists is a sight to behold. Our guides from Redback travel do an outstanding job. I feel well taken care of. One hour 40 minute flight to Chennai ( formerly Madras). Another cool thing about India--airplane food Is tasty!
On the ground, Dealing with baggage claim, finding and boarding the bus is not a nightmare but its not easy either. My suitcase is small and I'm psyched about it. Also super thankful for my comfy old running shoes and for the months of physical and dietary prep (lots of vinyasa yoga and daily keifer smoothies) that have made me strong and 'gutsy' enough to travel in this capacity. Keifer lines the intestines with good bacteria that ward off the intestinal/ bacterial disorders that plague so many international travelers. Knock on wood, right?
The Raj Park hotel is nice. There is no real city center here. Chennai's population is around 7 million. A few random things I notice on the streets... Not much manicured landscaping of buildings or apartments. Families of three riding a moped together is a common sight. And I love the women in beautiful silk sari riding moped side saddle!
Our hotel is Eco- smart maybe just from a place of Indian practicality than anything else. Americans would do well to follow suit in some of these things..Upon entering the hotel room, there is a slot in which to place the (card) key. For the electricity in the room to power on (a/c included) the key must be in that slot. This ensures that electricity is not wasted when we go out. There is a timer on the a/c so that it will not run for days on end. And there are solar panels on the roof of the hotel. India eco is smart and makes cent$
Great dinner at an all vegetarian popular Indian franchise restaurant Saravana Bhavan. We are the sole Westerners in the packed hustling eatery. It's totally the real deal. Savory dals, rotis, masalas, dipping sauces, samosas, and the best chai tea! Fennel seeds at the very end act as a breath freshener and digestive. I am completely satisfied.
Back at Raj park - I do my laundry in the sink and it is hanging all over the room drying. This hotel has a superb shower and the water is hot. It is only the 2nd hot shower of the trip. They don't tell you that in Lonely Planet :)
The intensity of travel in India requires total surrender to the given circumstances. Mindfulness to stay safe and healthy. Patience with what 'is' in this moment. And utter compassion for all of humankind. It requires a balance of strength and flexibility of body mind and spirit. A letting go of preconceived ideas of how situations should progress. And the ability to find spaciousness, peace, and quiet in the inner realm. This is yoga. This is why I am here. Om.
- YogiPod posting from India using iPhone
Location:Chennai aka Madras
1 comment:
Happy Valentines Day, my love.
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