Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Spirited Pondy

In Pondicherry a beach town on the Bay of Bengal. Morning yoga practice of standing poses, backbends, handstands, and core work prepare body mind and spirit for another full day. India is super intense and saturated with heightened energy--kind of like asana with Desiree! I love every minute of it even though ( and probably) because its majorly challenging.
Early day sight seeing...first stop is Sacred Heart Church. A brief stop at THE Gandhi statue. A few blocks away is a short meditation at Sri Aurobindo Ashram then a visit to the huge Ganesh temple where an elephant stands outside to greet the throngs of worshipers. I feel most at home in the Catholic church. And today is no different. Upon entering I immediately drop into a place deep in my heart that is familiar and nurturing. In this Catholic house I love seeing the devotion of the Indian women in full sari. At the other Holy Houses I feel like a welcome visitor. We are all doing the same thing. All of us dropping into our hearts and connecting with our chosen and best understood expression of God, Divinity, Nature, Spirit...we are all one.
Second half of the day is spent shopping which is actually necessary as I have only one shirt which is completely tired and super dirty. Shopping here is the Bomb! Beautiful inexpensive colorful cottons and silks. Finally some color. My fashion homage to Johnny Cash is not cutting it in this hot vibrant French Indian beach town. I already can't wait to come back here next year. For now, Sleep awaits...

- YogiPod posting from India using iPhone

Location:Pondicherry India

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Everything sounds so exotic and exciting - a few days ago, I made a book of your postings, adding to it whenever a new one arrives. I have it on the stool in the seating area - folks are loving looking at it - you are in our hearts.