March 1- 2
Re-entry. Arrive Miami 9:35am. Nice to be out of the airport. Going from a day of hiking in the Himalayas to 40 hours of sitting, my body is surprisingly in good spirits. It's got to be the yoga. My challenge today is to stay awake until a normal sleeping hour. I just need to be diligent and put myself into this time rhythm. So apparently the biggest news in the US is Charlie Sheen's weird breakdown. Really? I want to talk about the pulsating energy of Varanasi and the Ganges. And the state of affairs of Tibetans in India. Or the beauty and power of meditation and mantra. Or something, anything but Charlie Freaking Sheen. It seems to have captivated the nation. Glad I missed it. Hopefully it will last as long as the average attention span of a 4 year old. It actually makes me feel a little bit lonely and sad. Or maybe I am just extremely tired.
I do make it to 9pm before hitting the hay. And have goodish sleep til sunrise. Enough time to prep for a day of Advanced Anusara Yoga w John Friend. My friends and teachers are all here. So many of them have made the journey to India and know where I'm "@". The theme is Dancing With the Divine. The asana is super challenging. And once again I am really surprised at my own level of practice and studentship. Even in the midst of India jet lag. Big backbends, handstand scorpions, super fun arm balances and more. At one point I feel nauseous thinking its too much for my jet lagged state, but then Scotta, my teacher whom I am practicing alongside says she feels it too. Nausea is common when doing a strong back bend practice-- it's all the internal rubbish dislodging and moving to exit the body. Just good old detoxing.
Glad to have done this full day of advanced practice surrounded by like-minded asana and yoga junkies. I love it that this is my work. And I realize this whole last month of travel and study and exploration and time away from Fairhope is just another facet of my job as a yoga teacher and studio owner. I realize I have chosen it and work hard to manifest the abundant nature of it all. It's empowering. It's my dharma to stay on this road.
Every moment we are choosing. Whether it be to engage in the Charlie Sheen drama, to over-analyze a situation, to be a 'victim' of our choices, or empowered by them. Often I don't understand other peoples choices. I am not supposed to. I am only meant to stay true to my own calling, apply myself in the highest, help and serve where and when I can and to love love love. Om namah shivaya.
- YogiPod posting from iPhone
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