Mobile Bay. Gulf Coast Alabama. It can not go without saying that we are all bracing for how the oil hemorrhage story unfolds. Emotions of grief, anger, fear and despair abound. Let us turn the tide from negativity and ask the question: What can I do in my community to help in this moment? Now more than ever we need the tools for honest, refined, practical care for ourselves in body, mind, breath, and heart. Yoga helps us navigate the ocean of our inner space. It brings us back to our natural calm equilibrium. Yoga provides the gifts of inner strength and muscular stability, a daily retreat from the constant noise, techniques to expand the breath, and recognition that the joy in our hearts remains no matter what challenges we must endure. Our best course of action is to take good care.
Fortitude. Clarity. Vibrancy. Compassion.
Stay strong and keep the faith.
Mother Nature Will Prevail!
Love, Melanie
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