Feb 12
7am morning yoga up on this mountain starts out as a blustery practice. The theme: be instruments of the wind. This practice makes us more flexible and adaptable and more I'm harmony with nature even when its crazy windy. So instead of trying to always 'fix' external circumstances we have the opportunity to turn the challenges into beautiful harmonious music. The wind is wild, strong, cleansing and also can be fun! Just like todays asana sequence which leads to dropping back into backbends from standing and from headstand. Working with Michelle Baker in the partner work is an extra special treat. We can take all of this new asana information home to our communities!
Mid day appointments at the Ayurvedic Center entails a drive through the hills and valley which is totally rainforest. I am so grateful for the gift of balancing my energies that Ayurvedic work provides, which i need today. The clinic is founded And run by the local Catholic Archdiocese. How cool is that?!??! The Catholic church is very prevalent here. The taxi driver has named his car Mary Rosary. There is a Sacred Heart poster in the Ayurvedic pharmacy. I LOVE it!!
More asana late in the day working on shoulders and twists. Although no longer windy like this morning, the lesson continues to help me find harmony with some of the challenges of this big group travel scenario.
It's an absolute blessing to be here but the heavily planned schedule and group dynamic can be intense. So now it is time to take the lesson off the mat... I must find harmony with the people who are most challenging to be around. I have to figure out how the challenging person can help me unveil my highest self and not the opposite which is the tendency for me and most of us. This is tricky sometimes but always comes back to the beautiful melody of compassion. It is the same compassion the Ayurvedic treatment woman showed to me as I entered her room, her 4th or 5th patient of the day. It's not The challenges, but how we respond to them and work through them that are the mark of our innate wisdom. A couple of songs from different 'churches' come to mind... Make me an instrument of peace... Or even better...the answer my friend is blowing in the wind. Peace from India.
- YogiPod posting from India using iPhone
Peace be with you.
Namaste my friend.
Leave it to Bob to have the answers - wishing you peace and sending you love -
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