Feb 25-26
I have found and bought the most fabulous meditation cushion. It is Tibetan made in India. High quality and portable! The weather has turned cold and snowy. Even though we are just in the foothills of the Himalayas, it's huge, high mountain weather. I sort of have the right clothes for it, although i look like i am wearing a bed spread. Morning yoga has been freezing but fun and beneficial none the less mostly because of the supportive group vibe and also because Desiree works us out pretty hard every time. It's good but I could definitely use some restorative poses.
I'm psyched about my new cushion because I need to sit and meditate more, especially here in this auspicious place. Group seated meditation has been (surprisingly) sparse on the trip. Its been really challenging to get to my seat every morning because of the go go go go go vibe and the early morning lobby calls for travel. Michele and I have learned so much about how we want to organize our 2012 trip to the South. We are meeting with group leaders tonight to do some planning. It's kind of like thinking about 'what's for dinner' while super full from lunch. Funny!
Speaking of lunch...Today is spinach tofu momo (dumplings) soup, homemade garlic bread and chai. Hot & Yum. Chai is my new fave thing. Go figure!
Hanging on the wall just next to my table is this quote:
"A Precious Human Life. Every day. Think as you wake up. Today I am fortunate to have woken up. I am alive. I have a precious human life. I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself. To expand my heart out to others. To achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others. I am not going to get angry. Or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can." -Dalai Lama
Good messages everywhere! I can't believe only 2 more days in India. So much I will miss, (like seeing monkeys outside my bathroom window) but I'm very ready to get back home to my incredibly blessed life. I miss everyone and everything! Love from Dalai Lama country. Om Mani Padme Om.